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Alex Qiu L. Ac
仇玺源 医师

Qiu Xiyuan was born into a family of doctors, with both parents working in the medical field. From a young age, he had a profound interest in medicine, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. At 16, he had the fortunate opportunity to study traditional martial arts and TCM massage techniques under the tutelage of the renowned martial artist Master Yu Guanghui in Nanjing, laying a solid foundation for his future medical career. He later went to the United States for further education and graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in Public Administration. However, his original passion remained unchanged. After completing his university education, he decided to pursue his dream, returned to the medical field, began systematic studies in TCM, and earned a Master's degree in TCM. He successfully passed the TCM practitioner's examination and became a licensed TCM practitioner. Subsequently, he had the honor to study under Professor Lu Biao, a prominent figure in acupuncture in the United States and a recipient of the "Overseas National Master of TCM" title, where he devoted himself to mastering acupuncture skills and continues to learn to this day. In addition to diligently relieving patients' ailments, Qiu Xiyuan is passionate about charitable work, serving the community, and providing free clinics. He is also actively involved in promoting TCM and founded the Young Acupuncture Association of America (YAAA) in 2022, where he serves as the president. At the invitation of the NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) served as a member of the JA Panel Committee for the year 2023.

仇玺源医生出生于医生家庭,父母都是医疗工作者。自幼就对医学(尤其是中医针灸)有着浓厚的兴趣。16岁时,机缘巧合拜入南京武术名家余光辉大师门下,学习传统武术与传统中医推拿手法,为未来的行医之路奠定了坚实的基础。后赴美留学,毕业于亚利桑那大学公共行政管理专业。但初心未改,大学毕业后决定坚持梦想,重回医道,开始系统学习中医,并获得中医硕士学位,成功通过中医执业考试,成为了一名执业中医医师。随后有幸拜入美国针灸大家、"海外国医大师"称号获得者陆飚教授门下,潜心钻研针灸技术,学习至今。除了尽心为每一位患者解除病痛,仇医生热衷公益事业,服务社区,提供义诊。同时积极参与中医事业推广,于2022年创立全美中医药学会青年中医师协会,并担任会长。2023年应美国国家中医与针灸认证委员会邀请,担任JA Panel委员会委员。

Alex Qiu L.Ac
With Dr Biao Lu
With Dr Biao Lu
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